Hello there at Cloud Engineer (https://cloudengineer.info/)! This is a disclaimer page. We hope you will find it helpful and informative to use our site. As such, by accessing or using this website, you agree to be bound by all terms and conditions set forth herein.
General Information

Cloud Engineer provides information on an as-is basis – for general purposes only. But even though we try our best to ensure that the information contained within is accurate as well as current, no representation or warranty is made about its completeness, accuracy, reliability, suitability, or availability either express or implied for any reason whatsoever including without limitation those related to products services graphics displayed hereon, etc., Any reliance placed upon suchlike things shall therefore remain strictly at one’s peril;

Professional Advice

Please note that the content provided on Cloud Engineer should not substitute professional advice always seek qualified professionals’ input when dealing with matters of cloud computing among others; never disregard nor act solely based on what was read from any given source online including this website which serves informational purposes only.

External Links

Sometimes our website may contain links going outwards towards other websites that are beyond our control operated by us such as third-party advertisers or sponsors who might collect personally identifiable information through cookies embedded onto their pages please know that once you leave here everything else becomes your responsibility so should find time reading through each site’s privacy statement before giving out personal details again we cannot be held liable whatsoever if something goes wrong during this process since it is an entirely different platform altogether managed separately from ours;

Limitation of Liability

We do not accept any liability arising due to indirect consequential loss damage suffered directly or indirectly because of loss data use profits connection with the use of this service whether such arises contract negligence otherwise even advised possibility same happening therefore some jurisdictions may not allow exclusion incidental damages these limitations might apply you then better stop working with them now but if they still work under legal framework bind us let there be no confusion over what has been contracted herein;

Changes to This Disclaimer

Cloud Engineer reserves the right to change or update this disclaimer without giving prior notice so check back often should something change By continuing use after we post modifications accept it as modified.

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